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08 Jan 2021 / Samantha Hill

2020 was an exhausting year. Business owners are looking to cloud technology in 2021 to provide affordable and effective solutions to recover, build resilience and grow.

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07 Jan 2021 / Samantha Hill

Due to Covid-19, trends that were foreseen to happen in years, happened all at once, with business owners using the latest innovations to help them adapt to new realities of work during a pandemic.

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06 Jan 2021 / Samantha Hill

Without the right tools and information at hand, rostering can take up hours of valuable time that managers should be spending with their staff on the shop floor.

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21 Dec 2020 / Samantha Hill

With a third of people shifting to work remotely in the longer term, management, payroll and HR teams need to find ways to stay connected from afar.

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08 Dec 2020 / Samantha Hill

Managing Christmas casuals needs to be all about efficiency, so here are some tips on how you can manage your casual team this holiday season.

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07 Dec 2020 / Samantha Hill

2020 – what a year! With so many new features added to Roubler’s workforce management system – from clocking in and out on your smartphone to the latest in facial verification technology – we thought we’d provide a recap of a few of our favourites that you may have missed.

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