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28 Mar 2024 / Rafferty

We’re still not over it… 😆 The annual Australasian Hospitality and Gaming Expo was held at the Brisbane …

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28 Mar 2024 / Rafferty

We’re still not over it… 😆 The annual Australasian Hospitality and Gaming Expo was held at the Brisbane …

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28 Mar 2024 / Rafferty

We’re still not over it… 😆 The annual Australasian Hospitality and Gaming Expo was held at the Brisbane …

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08 Dec 2022 / Samantha Hill

What a year it’s been! From AI-generated rosters that align with sales data, to customisable onboarding workflows and shift bidding, check out the top five features we’ve released this year!

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01 Jun 2022 / Samantha Hill

Effective onboarding is more than a process – it’s an experience that sets the stage for the rest of a new team member’s employment.

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23 Mar 2022 / Samantha Hill

Preparations for the end of the tax year are well underway. With new legislation coming into effect it’s time to understand these changes.

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