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19 May 2017 /

The monthly employment statistics for Australia, released yesterday by the ABS, showed signs of promise for the workforce …

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18 Apr 2017 /

The Australian Government is cancelling the 457 Visa program for overseas workers and replacing it with two new …

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05 Apr 2017 /

The Australian media has jumped on high profile Master Chef Judge, George Calombaris and his hospitality group which left 162 …

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04 Oct 2016 /

Australia’s national airline has joined the increasing tide of companies moving their systems online. In an attempt to …

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22 Jul 2016 /

The ABS has just released its Labour Force Statistics for the month. On the back of Australia’s China-fuelled …

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13 Jul 2016 /

Pokémon Go in the workplace – uniting the workforce or impacting on productivity? Your questions answered.   Pokéstop, …

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