Managing employees

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29 May 2020 / Nadia Nyaz

Meet Mo, our Customer Success Manager based in Singapore. After completing your training and implementation, your journey with …

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27 May 2020 / Jayde Troskie

Mobile technology has gained new momentum and employees are looking to their employers to find new digital ways to make their professional life easier. Roubler’s app helps you achieve this while easily managing your team.

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08 Apr 2020 / Fleur Murphy

From e-learning to video sharing, here are Roubler features you might not know about to help you cope.

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16 Mar 2020 / Fleur Murphy

With high anxieties, panic buying and social distancing effecting businesses, how can you maintain calm and help your team carry on? Here are four ways.

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12 Mar 2020 / Fleur Murphy

Working in the retail sector can be tough. With long hours, demanding customers, and job fears after well-known …

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26 Nov 2019 / Fleur Murphy

If you work in retail, the reality is the festive season can actually be the most stressful time of year, and chances are your team is already feeling the pressure.

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