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08 Dec 2022 / Samantha Hill

What a year it’s been! From AI-generated rosters that align with sales data, to customisable onboarding workflows and shift bidding, check out the top five features we’ve released this year!

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Discover how some of the world’s biggest brands are streamlining their employee onboarding processes, creating an exceptional employee …

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07 Oct 2022 / Samantha Hill

With such a competitive labour market and the peak period fast approaching, it’s crucial to ensure you have …

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Compliant payroll happens when people, processes and technology work together. If one of these three is out of …

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15 Jun 2022 / Samantha Hill

With global trends such as the Great Resignation still at large, it has never been more important to …

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01 Jun 2022 / Samantha Hill

Effective onboarding is more than a process – it’s an experience that sets the stage for the rest of a new team member’s employment.

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