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01 Apr 2022 / Benjamin Jones

Do labour shortages, recruitment bottlenecks and low employee engagement sound familiar? Hundreds of businesses identified these challenges and …

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23 Mar 2022 / Fleur Murphy

A new single enforcement body is likely to be launched in the UK’s near future, bringing together what …

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23 Mar 2022 / Samantha Hill

On 1 April 2022, workers who are on the national living wage (NLW) and national minimum wage (NMW) will receive a pay rise to help with the increase in living expenses.

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Watch on-demand The results are in! Do labour shortages, recruitment bottlenecks and low employee engagement sound familiar? Hundreds …

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Register now 2022 is set to be another ground-breaking year in the continued evolution and development of workers’ …

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25 Feb 2022 / Samantha Hill

Effective rosters are so much more than just a schedule for employees to follow. An efficient roster keeps operations running seamlessly, helps meet fluctuating demand, and keeps labour costs well under control.

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