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05 Sep 2019 / Andrew Northcott

A PwC report predicts that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will eradicate between 20 and 40% of current jobs(1).  And …

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05 Sep 2019 / Andrew Northcott

Managers face a constant battle – to upgrade or not upgrade. Beware of false profits, or at least …

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05 Sep 2019 / Andrew Northcott

It’s often said that humans are nothing without something to do – a target to aim for. Despite …

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03 Sep 2019 / Andrew Northcott

Effective rostering allows a Manager to respond to the unpredictable nature of customer demand and impacts profitability more …

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03 Sep 2019 / Andrew Northcott

Workforce management and payroll software business Roubler has closed its first venture capital funding round of $US3.3 million, …

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19 Aug 2019 / Chris King

It’s not an understatement to say that purchasing a new workforce management and payroll software system is one …

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