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28 May 2021 / Samantha Hill

As customers gain back the confidence to go out and shop again, and you start to bring on more staff again, it’s important to remember that your employees may be feeling uncertain about returning to the workplace.

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17 May 2021 / Brian Walsh

A common trap that many businesses fall into is measuring output with numbers alone – valuing quantity over quality, sometimes at the detriment of the true star performers within a business.

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16 May 2021 / Samantha Hill

When it comes to employee satisfaction in the workplace, the benefits are numerous: lower turnover rates, less absenteeism, reduced long-term HR costs, improved employee productivity and increased retention rates.

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22 Apr 2021 / Samantha Hill

In celebration of World Book Day 2021, we asked leaders to share their favourite thought-provoking books that have inspired them.

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06 Apr 2021 / Samantha Hill

New IR35 rules are leaving many businesses confused as to what the upcoming changes involve, and how it could affect them.

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18 Mar 2021 / Ravina Shree

Accurately keeping track of past successes and failures – and every other milestone along the way – will help prompt reflection and drive change, all with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight.

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