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How rota software helps your business

Using a manual rota system for shift-based teams can be problematic. From payroll budgets to staff availability and positions, all factors that go into tailoring the most efficient rota need to be considered to avoid inflated wage costs and non-compliance.

Many businesses have already made the switch to sophisticated online rota systems, reaping the benefits of cost control, productivity and built-in compliance. With features such as rota apps, AI-powered smart rota and the ability to schedule based on demand, building cost-effective rotas have never been easier or more efficient.

This article will go into detail about why businesses need to kick their manual processes and implement rota software to improve operations and gain a competitive advantage.

Automate shift scheduling

If you’ve ever created a rota from scratch, you understand how challenging it is to stay on top of all the elements that make up an efficient rota – employee availability, hour-by-hour demand, wage costs, employee positions and employment types – to name a few.

What if you could click a button and create a rota that automatically considers all of these elements? Scheduling software can do just that. Shift scheduling is made easy with Roubler’s smart rota feature analysing data inputs, taking into account built-in rulesets to generate a comprehensive forecast of exactly who needs to be scheduled on, and when.

Remain HMRC compliant

Keeping up with HMRC regulations in the UK is an essential part of knowing how to schedule staff effectively. With frequent revisions to rules and regulations, it’s not easy to always remain compliant, especially when manually creating rotas. The last thing you want to do is risk underpaying your staff – a costly mistake for any business.

With Roubler’s online rota system, the ability to build in legislative changes make it easy for you to remain compliant. You’ll gain peace of mind when it comes to meeting obligations and paying your team correctly.

Refine scheduling costs

One of the best scheduling tips you can receive is to use rota software that gives you total clarity over your labour costs, helping prevent instances of unnecessary overtime.

Roubler’s rota software allows you to view costings per employee, day, and rota period, enabling you to build out cost-effective rotas based on demand. You can use Roubler’s labour efficiency tool to optimise rotas in line with forecast and actual results, keeping labour costs within budget.

Leverage valuable insights

If you’re still using calculators and complex Excel formulas to conjure up labour cost reports, you’re missing out on all the benefits that come with real-time analytics and the ability to track trends and predict demand.

Roubler’s online rota system allows businesses to access comprehensive rota reporting with one click, giving you instant insight into business performance, employee attendance, wage costs and more. The cost centre feature goes one step further, enabling the tracking of costs within specific departments and better understanding your staffing and labour efficiency.

Increase scheduling productivity

Shift-based workforces often involve large teams with differing availability, costs and experience. Shift scheduling to minimise instances of understaffing and absenteeism can be challenging without a rota software solution to automatically let you know who is and isn’t available.

Rota software will help you avoid having to find cover in short notice and schedule based on demand. Employees can indicate changes to their availability through the self service app, which is then reflected in the scheduling process. This saves the need for managers to go back and adjust rotas.

Get in touch with one of Roubler’s workforce management experts to find out how we can help you transform your scheduling practices and make the most out of an online rota system.

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Samantha Hill
Samantha Hill
Samantha Hill is a Marketing Content Creator with a passion for making a positive impact online. Over the past five years, Samantha has worked with an array of different companies to deliver content that communicates what their business means to their audience. Since joining Roubler in 2020, Samantha’s focus is on creating engaging content that informs business leaders of the latest skills, strategies, and techniques to help get the best out of their teams.
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