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23 Nov 2021 / Benjamin Jones

Retail’s silly season has well and truly arrived and it’s having a big impact around the world. Australian …

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01 Nov 2021 / Benjamin Jones

With further operational struggles expected and Christmas around the corner, Britain’s retail and hospitality outlets need to consider three things: people, process and price.

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25 Sep 2021 / Samantha Hill

Using a manual rota system for shift-based teams can be problematic.

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22 Sep 2021 / Samantha Hill

Eliminating inefficiencies and enhancing productivity is a must when managing any shift-based workforce, and yet so many businesses …

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08 Aug 2021 / Samantha Hill

Thanks to ever-evolving workforce management technology, the days of creating rotas in an Excel spreadsheet are numbered. Leaders …

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16 May 2021 / Samantha Hill

When it comes to employee satisfaction in the workplace, the benefits are numerous: lower turnover rates, less absenteeism, reduced long-term HR costs, improved employee productivity and increased retention rates.

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