Managing employees

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23 Nov 2021 / Benjamin Jones

Retail’s silly season has well and truly arrived and it’s having a big impact around the world. Australian …

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22 Sep 2021 / Samantha Hill

Clunky old systems and manual data entry may seem like a cheap solution, but chances are these methods are costing your business far more than you think.

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24 Jun 2021 / Nigel Ritson

They say disruption brings both inconvenience and opportunity, and no one understands this better than John Skelton, Chief People Officer at The Capital Hotels & Apartments.

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28 May 2021 / Samantha Hill

As customers gain back the confidence to go out and shop again, and you start to bring on more staff again, it’s important to remember that your employees may be feeling uncertain about returning to the workplace.

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16 May 2021 / Samantha Hill

When it comes to employee satisfaction in the workplace, the benefits are numerous: lower turnover rates, less absenteeism, reduced long-term HR costs, improved employee productivity and increased retention rates.

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16 Dec 2020 / Samantha Hill

Managing Christmas staff needs to be all about efficiency, so here are some tips on how you can manage your temporary team this holiday season.

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