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13 Sep 2021 / Alan McCabe

The latest research suggests that by 2025, 85 million jobs may be displaced by machines and AI. Does that mean we should all be in a state of fear over losing our jobs? Absolutely not.

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06 Sep 2021 / Samantha Hill

Using a manual rostering system for shift-based teams can be problematic.

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08 Aug 2021 / Samantha Hill

Thanks to ever-evolving workforce management technology, the days of creating rosters in an Excel spreadsheet are numbered. Leaders …

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24 Jun 2021 / Nigel Ritson

They say disruption brings both inconvenience and opportunity, and no one understands this better than John Skelton, Chief People Officer at The Capital Hotels & Apartments.

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17 May 2021 / Brian Walsh

A common trap that many businesses fall into is measuring output with numbers alone – valuing quantity over quality, sometimes at the detriment of the true star performers within a business.

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16 May 2021 / Samantha Hill

When it comes to employee satisfaction in the workplace, the benefits are numerous: lower turnover rates, less absenteeism, reduced long-term HR costs, improved employee productivity and increased retention rates.

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