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10 Dec 2021 / Benjamin Jones

When human considerations are put aside in favour of financial imperatives, tension grows between HR and financial professionals. This article looks at how the two departments can unite to drive lasting sustainability and success.

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06 Dec 2021 / Ellie Bristow

To help get into the swing of the festive season, we have wrapped up all the very best features we treated our customers to throughout the year.

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23 Nov 2021 / Benjamin Jones

Retail’s silly season has well and truly arrived and it’s having a big impact around the world. Australian …

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22 Sep 2021 / Samantha Hill

Eliminating inefficiencies and enhancing productivity is a must when managing any shift-based workforce, and yet so many businesses …

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08 Aug 2021 / Samantha Hill

Thanks to ever-evolving workforce management technology, the days of creating rosters in an Excel spreadsheet are numbered. Leaders …

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24 Jun 2021 / Nigel Ritson

They say disruption brings both inconvenience and opportunity, and no one understands this better than John Skelton, Chief People Officer at The Capital Hotels & Apartments.

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