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23 Nov 2021 / Benjamin Jones

Retail’s silly season has well and truly arrived and it’s having a big impact around the world. Australian …

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22 Sep 2021 / Samantha Hill

Eliminating inefficiencies and enhancing productivity is a must when managing any shift-based workforce, and yet so many businesses …

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08 Aug 2021 / Samantha Hill

Thanks to ever-evolving workforce management technology, the days of creating rosters in an Excel spreadsheet are numbered. Leaders …

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06 Jan 2021 / Samantha Hill

Without the right tools and information at hand, scheduling can take up hours of valuable time that managers should be spending with their staff on the shop floor.

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16 Mar 2020 / Fleur Murphy

Coronavirus is dealing a cruel blow to retail and hospitality businesses, with fewer customers already leading to reduced cashflow for many.

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13 Sep 2019 / Andrew Northcott

Best friends, really? This may sound ridiculously cheesy for an analogy for rostering and payroll software but bear …

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