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27 Jul 2020 / Jayde Troskie

As the war for talent rages on, and businesses seek to constantly improve and find more efficient ways of operating and managing people, the need for a human resource management (HRM) system is bigger than ever.

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10 Jul 2020 / Alan McCabe

If we are to believe the hype, AI is transforming the trajectory of life as we know it. AI is already thoroughly embedded in consumers’ day-to-day lives.

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27 May 2020 / Jayde Troskie

Mobile technology has gained new momentum and employees are looking to their employers to find new digital ways to make their professional life easier. Roubler’s app helps you achieve this while easily managing your team.

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24 Jan 2020 / Fleur Murphy

Is the physical retail store in decline? Thanks to smartphones and e-commerce, it’s never been easier to shop online with our favourite brands. Even the biggest retailers have been hit hard, with challenging market conditions resulting in store closures and layoffs.

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09 Jan 2020 / Fleur Murphy

Industries as diverse as food and beverage and retail are already feeling the impact of automation. Will it make HR teams obsolete?

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02 Jan 2020 / Fleur Murphy

The 20s are now upon us. For business owners in the hospitality and retail industries, now is the time to wipe away the last of the festive season cobwebs, polish up those new year’s resolutions, and embrace the digital revolution.

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