Counting Down the Ten Best Business Apps
There is always something internally satisfying about finding a way to make your business run better. As business operators and owners, we all look for new and exciting ways to increase our profitability by saving time, increasing efficiency or creating better organisation. In 2016, this can be as simple as downloading an application. Now I’m sure most of you have looked into and used many business driven apps before. However, we’ve complied a list of the 10 best business apps on the market that when used appropriately, and in conjunction with each other, can make your work run as smooth as a baby’s bottom.
10. Skype
One of the best business apps for easy video calls. It is a stress-free application to run and best of all: it’s free! This year Skype released “Skype Meeting”; a new tool for easy video conferencing that allows for you to invite multiple people to join the chat and share information across that video link. This mainstay should be on every manager’s laptop.
9. Slack
A great way to organize group conversations. Used by the team responsible for the Mars Rover, Curiosity, Slack brings communications together and organises them into varying channels while also linking in with your other media platforms. With the ability to search back through old conversations and files, Slack is designed to save you time and money.
8. Wunderlist
If you love making lists, Wunderlist is one of the best business apps for you. It is an extremely effective list-making app with an attractive interface. You can create lists for yourself to complete, or share them with others to show who’s doing what and when they are being done. What’s more, deadlines can be placed on each task, as well as notes and files relating to what’s at hand.
7. Triplt
The key to maximising the your travel time. Make sure you don’t miss your flight or be late for you conference with Triplt. Have multiple hotel options? Put them in Triplt. Need to jot down some new phones numbers? Triplt. Want to make sure family, friends or colleagues know where you are: Triplt. This travel organiser app is essential for the super busy and high frequency travellers.
6. Rescue Time
Will tell you what you have been doing and how long you’ve been doing it. This background program monitors your activity on computers and mobiles, giving you an insight into how you spend your day. It can block distracting websites and alert you if you have spent too long on one activity. Perfect for those who need to maximise their efficiency.
5. Expensify
A new way to streamline how your employees report their expenses and their approval. This app basically organises the various spendings of your company so they can be easily fed into a business software program such a Quickbooks or Netsuite. A very good app for those prone to losing tax receipts!
4. Evernote
Great for in depth notes and calendars. This organisational tool allows you to scan documents straight into the program and share them with your colleagues. It also helps with referencing and storing information from PDFs and image files. There’s a free version and well as more premium versions available.
3. Dropbox
A form of cloud storage with over 200 million users. Easy access to files, photos, videos from a range of devices, wherever you are. It has simple sharing features perfect for group projects. What’s more, you never need to worry about losing your work if something goes wrong with your computer.
2. Netsuite
One of the fastest growing financial management apps around. Used for enterprise resource planning (ERP), among other things, it is perfect for integrating other applications and taking care of the day to day business needs of everyone in the office. ERP apps are the cornerstone of adaptive business.
1. Roubler
One of the best business apps for, well everything. Roubler is a revolutionary new Saas platform which is changing the way people hire. Roster. Manage. Pay. Roubler is an entirely integrated end-to-end workforce management system. It has been built by the greatest developer minds to streamline every aspect of HR. With Roubler you can hire someone with one click, onboard them with ease and then instantly schedule, manage time and attendance and pay. You can even track your workforce performance through in depth performance analytics.