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25 Aug 2017 /

The cloud is undoubtedly the future of data storage and function. Not long ago, every computer program had …

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23 Aug 2017 /

Australia’s job growth has continued throughout July. Over 27,000 jobs were added to the Australian economy over the …

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21 Aug 2017 /

Artificial intelligence‘s impact on business isn’t news. However, exactly how it will effect certain industries and workplaces is …

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16 Aug 2017 /

With the rise of new technology, the way we work is changing. The idea of working in an …

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14 Aug 2017 /

When looking at artificial intelligence, we are quick to comment on its effect on us. However, it’s important …

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11 Aug 2017 /

A new report by economics and strategy consulting firm AlphaBeta says that Australia must embrace AI in the …

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